霹靂火狂暴現場演唱會(Live - World's On

超凡樂團( The Prodigy ) 霹靂火狂暴現場演唱會(Live - World's On專輯

17.Out Of Space

I'll take your brain to another dimension

I'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another race
I'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another race
I'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another race

I'll take your brain to another dimension
I'll take your brain to another dimension
I'll take your brain to another dimension
Pay close attention

I'll take your brain to another dimension
I'll take your brain to another dimension
I'll take your brain to another dimension
Pay close attention

I'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another race
I'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another race
I'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another race